Monday, October 20, 2008


"Project 10 to the 100th"

by helping as many people as possible.

Community : How can we help connect people, build communities and protect unique cultures?
Opportunity : How can we help people better provide for themselves and their families?
Energy : How can we help move the world toward safe, clean, inexpensive energy?
Environment : How can we help promote a cleaner and more sustainable global ecosystem?
Health : How can we help individuals lead longer, healthier lives?
Education : How can we help more people get more access to better education?
Shelter : How can we help ensure that everyone has a safe place to live?

Everything else : Sometimes the best ideas don't fit into any category at all.

REACH : How many people would this idea affect?
DEPTH : How deeply are people impacted? How urgent is the need?
ATTAINABILITY : Can this idea be implemented within a year or two?
EFFICIENCY : How simple and cost-effective is your idea?
longevity : How long will the idea's impact last?


10. What one sentence best describes your ideas? (150 character)

The youth of today is the future for tomorrow, an ideas without boundaries, a centre a Universe-City.

Universe-City of youth a centre for youth today and our future

11. Describe your idea in more depth (300 words)

UCOY is an extention of the already diverse education system world wide with the community of students from all over the world staying together representing each an every country of the world within countries of the United Nation. It is a mobile centre attached to respective universities where it is attached to for a specific duration.

The world today need each an every one to learn HOW to tolerate each other, with the differences of culture, religion, language. Learning to accept that there is reason for such diversity. Brought up in a different environment with different set of rules, believes and guidelines.

UCOY replaces the normal period of study (A Levels, Matriculation or related program) for two years in major cities of East & West (Asia, Europe, Americas), with the age level of 18 and 19 years. They will be offered a UCOY diploma which will be accepted into any other Universities of the world.

On completion,

12. What problem or issue does your idea address (150 words)

Acceptance, respect of each other, ability to agree to disagree, on top of being innovative and creative.

13. If your idea were to become a reality, who would benefit the most and how? (150 words)

Everyone who believes that this world is to share and work together, the youth of today the future generation.

14.What are the initial steps required to get this idea off the ground? (150 words)

A committee will be st up, to deliberate on the best implementation process. Interested youth will then apply through a centre with an essay as to why they should be chosen, and there will be a set of interviews to short list the candidates.

15. Describe the optimal outcome should your idea be selected and successfully implemented. How would you measure it? (150 words)

Graduates of UCOY will be a world citizen who learn to respect themselves and others, Unity in Diversity. They might look different, sounds different live in different areas but will be the catalyst for a new open system of acceptance.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Google "Project 10 to the 100th"

This Project is a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible. Dateline for submission is the 20th of October 2008, i.e 4 days from today. The actual voting on ideas begins on January 27th, 2009.

More info

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The making of one ...

Today as I was lining up to pay for the parking ticket at SACC Mall Shah Alam, there was this long line. Just as it happen to be two people infront of me, the machine suddenly rejects RM5 note from that person and then a RM10 note from him. He tried a few time but to no avail. After trying again he decided to cancel the transaction, but the machine refuse to return the ticket. He intercom the operator, but no help arrive.

Then a guy behind me offered RM1.00 note to him, and the transaction got thru. This small act of kindness to ease the situation reflects the beauty of a human character when they put things in the right perspective. Just someone helping another in their hour of need, not because of colour or race nor religion. Know what ... a Chinese helping a Malay.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Is Michael Phelps the greatest Olympian ever?

From Yahoo Sports by Chris Chase
Michael Phelps just completed the greatest Olympic performance in history. That is (or should be) without debate. But does Phelps' dominance in Athens and Beijing put him atop the list of greatest Olympians ever?
It's too early to tell, since Phelps likely isn't finished winning Olympic medals. If he returns in 2012 at the London Games and wins, say, five more medals, then there will be no question that he should be hailed as the top Olympian of all-time. If Phelps retired tomorrow though, one could still make a compelling case on his behalf.
The naysayers claim that because Phelps is a swimmer, somehow his accomplishments aren't as impressive. (One column, ridiculously, even goes so far as to say that it's "easy to win multiple medals in swimming.") Because swimming has so many racing opportunities, they say, medals are cheapened. Rubbish.Of the 20 men who have won the most Olympic medals, only three (Phelps, Mark Spitz and Matt Biondi) were swimmers. Gymnasts dominate the top 20. If winning swimming medals was so easy, swimmers should theoretically be all over that list.
Even if they did, though, Phelps' versatility renders that argument moot. Just because all swimming strokes take place in a pool doesn't mean they're the same. Phelps won at three different distances - 100, 200 and 400 meters -- in Beijing. It's the swimming equivalent of a runner pulling the 200, 400 and 800 triple. That's never been attempted in any Olympics, let alone accomplished.
Phelps also won golds in three different strokes, a feat made even more impressive considering he was competing in those events with stroke specialists who gear their entire training toward that one discipline. That he had to swim a staggering 17 races in eight days is also not to be overlooked.
After his extraordinary performance in Beijing, Michael Phelps earned a spot on the list of all-time Olympic greats. Four years from now, he'll likely sit alone at the top.

Abraham Lincoln

Do you remember Abraham Lincoln ? You wouldn't if he had given up.

In 1832, he was defeated for the state legislature. Then he was elected in 1834. In 1838, he was defeated for speaker of the state house, He ran for congress in 1943 and, guess what, he was again defeated. In 1946 he was elected to congress only to be defeated in 1849. He ran for the United States Senate in 1855 and was defeated. Then in 1956, he was defeated for Vice-President of the United States of America. He ran again for the US Senate in 1858 and lost again.
And in 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States of America - but only after eight major setbacks. Call that resilience .

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Its time of the year where most students set themselves sight to enter Universities all over the country. Some will have the opportunities to even study overseas, be it with own family fund or are lucky enough to secure sponsorship from private or public entities and agencies.
The question are, whether they had already set their mind on which carreer to embark or decide only based on the results that they get. How a person decide depend on a lot factors and yet a wrong decision will let to a wrong path. The worst of the scenario will be doing things that you do not like but just to please others, especially parents.
The most talk about profession must be Medical Doctor, for some reason if a survey is done, this will always be the carreer of choice. One of the recent carreer, is the Angkasawan, which has been highly publicize, anyway here in Malaysia. The issue about a profession or carreer, is that there are times that you want it so much and yet you are not the one who can decide whether you can be one or not. This are what we call factors beyond our control. Than again does that mean thats the end of the world.
We shall talk about professions, carreers, jobs and how in each and every professions a individual can become d'enricher.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


What is an ideafactory?

Well specifically it came from the word idea, which means something that is being thought of. It could be a thing or a way to do things and usually not done by anyone yet. Sometimes its a new way of doing, with a perspective that others might not have tried. An idea could become successful, than again it might not. The word factory specifically means a place where things are done
Hence the word ideafactory literally means a place an idea is generated. The process is called by some as brainstorming, and an acuaintance of mine Dr YKK prefer to call it mindblooms You can visit him at .
Therefore we shall work towards creating new ideas that shall benefit us all here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Original Posting Thursday, 31st May 2007

I heard this quite awhile back and just recently again;

Because we cannot hear the planet evolving, or the sun ascending, the season blurring, because these and a billion other sight have no sound, MUSIC was born.

And I add lip, because we cannot hear the hopeless, the discourage, those that have given up, because this and a billion other person has lost hope, d'enricher must be found.

Enricher in the making

Original posting 3.17pm Wednesday, 30th May 2007

Life is too short, make it worthwhile. Enrich others so that you will be enriched. You shall benefit from your effort without you realising them. Do on to others what you want others to do on to you.

Team Enricher

Originally this blog was setup way back on the 29th May 2007. the thought of the day was....

Life is so short that you should always enrich others. As you do, your own life will be enriched. Th choice is yours, lets start something worthwhile today. Create the team of enrichers and the world will be a better place for anyone. You can be the one who see things happen, make things happen or ask what actually happen? Either way the world will move on. Look ... what time is it now, you missed the boat once you let things go.