Thursday, July 3, 2008


Its time of the year where most students set themselves sight to enter Universities all over the country. Some will have the opportunities to even study overseas, be it with own family fund or are lucky enough to secure sponsorship from private or public entities and agencies.
The question are, whether they had already set their mind on which carreer to embark or decide only based on the results that they get. How a person decide depend on a lot factors and yet a wrong decision will let to a wrong path. The worst of the scenario will be doing things that you do not like but just to please others, especially parents.
The most talk about profession must be Medical Doctor, for some reason if a survey is done, this will always be the carreer of choice. One of the recent carreer, is the Angkasawan, which has been highly publicize, anyway here in Malaysia. The issue about a profession or carreer, is that there are times that you want it so much and yet you are not the one who can decide whether you can be one or not. This are what we call factors beyond our control. Than again does that mean thats the end of the world.
We shall talk about professions, carreers, jobs and how in each and every professions a individual can become d'enricher.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


What is an ideafactory?

Well specifically it came from the word idea, which means something that is being thought of. It could be a thing or a way to do things and usually not done by anyone yet. Sometimes its a new way of doing, with a perspective that others might not have tried. An idea could become successful, than again it might not. The word factory specifically means a place where things are done
Hence the word ideafactory literally means a place an idea is generated. The process is called by some as brainstorming, and an acuaintance of mine Dr YKK prefer to call it mindblooms You can visit him at .
Therefore we shall work towards creating new ideas that shall benefit us all here.